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ENGL 101 English Composition 1 (Theme: Mental Health)

Understanding Mental Health Issues Specific to Students

"By nearly every metric, student mental health is worsening. During the 2020–2021 school year, more than 60% of college students met the criteria for at least one mental health problem, according to the Healthy Minds Study, which collects data from 373 campuses nationwide (Lipson, S. K., et al., Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 306, 2022). In another national survey, almost three quarters of students reported moderate or severe psychological distress (National College Health Assessment, American College Health Association, 2021). Even before the pandemic, schools were facing a surge in demand for care that far outpaced capacity..."

- from APA: Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach
(See "Articles" tab, below, for links to the cited studies)

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Source: " Your Mental Health in College | How to College | Crash Course " by Crash Course , is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.

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Sources used on this page:

Abrams, Zara. "Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach." Monitor on Psychology, vol. 53, no. 7, 1 Oct. 2022. American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/monitor/2022/10/ mental-health-campus-care. Accessed 14 Feb. 2023.

Featured Books & Ebooks

Finding definitions

Do you need a definition for a specific term?

The American Psychological Association (APA) is a great source to find definitions for some of the terms that may be used when discussing mental health issues. Consider the featured ebook below, or consider the online version of the APA's dictionary linked here:

Need more information?

The book below is just one of many reference books in the library's database Gale Ebooks & is great for more detailed overviews of topics