ENGL 097 English Express (Frye)

Information Types - when to use what source

The Information Timeline

Review the table below for more information about where you can look to find information based on your specific information need

Chart to choose between source types

If you need...

Try this source...

up-to-the-minute news

World Wide Web, broadcast media

current daily information 

newspapers, web-based news, broadcast media

local information

newspapers, web-based news, broadcast media

in-depth, thorough treatments of a topic of subject


background information

subject encyclopedias

statistics and data

statistics reference books, online statistical sources

research on a focused topic

scholarly journals

historical information


popular events

magazines, broadcast media

primary research 

scholarly journals 

editorials and opinions


current data from government agencies

world wide web

reliable, broad overview of topics

subject encyclopedias

This chart is used courtesy of Clark College Library, IRIS: Types of Information.

Sample Texts

GQ - 'Black Athletes Matter' feature article image

(click on image to enlarge)

Southern Poverty Law Center - US Hate Map (Anti-LGBT Groups)

(click on image to enlarge)