Maybe it was easy to find, but is it good?
Assess: Does this information belong in my academic project or is it .... CRAAP?
Authority / Accuracy
Purpose / Point of View
Is the information fact or opinion?
Infographic courtesy of IFLA, 2017 (
(from IFLA)
Consider the Source - Click away from the story to investigate the site, its mission, and its contact info.
Read Beyond - Headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks. What's the whole story?
Check the Author - Do a quick search on the author. Are they credible? Are they real?
Supporting Sources? - Click on links to other sources if given. Determine if the info given actually supports the story.
Check the Date - Reposting old news stories doesn't mean they're relevant to current events.
Is it a Joke? - If it is too outlandish, it might be satire. Research the site and author to be sure.
Check Your Biases - Consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgment.
Ask the Experts - Ask a librarian or consult a fact-checking site.