BIOL 103: Introduction to Botany (Bodas)


Find Science Reporting in Magazine Articles & Multimedia

Find an Informed Conversation on your Topic in Current News Media

Find Magazines in Library Databases
  1. Start with your Keywords
  2. Search
  3. Limit to Magazines (you can try feature articles in newspapers, but be sure you only use sources that have substance.)
  4. Set a data limit to find info that is current enough.
  5. In this example I search for fungi OR fungus AND econom*. I limited to magazines since 2017.

fungi OR fungus AND econom*

Limiters for magazine and date

Find Science Journalism in Multimedia
In Holman Library
Online Multimedia Science Journalism

Learning more about your topic

Why use magazine articles?

Find credible news articles in library databases.

When you search the library's multidisciplinary periodical databases, most articles in your results are either from a newspaper, magazine, or scholarly journal.

You are required to find credible articles or educational videos for your assignment. I suggest the resources on this page for magazine articles and films.

Why use magazine articles?

  • Magazine articles are written for a general audience and explore current issues of interest in some depth.

  • Specialty magazines, such as Scientific American, are a great source of accessible, credible science news. 

Films on Demand database

Use the library's Films on Demand database to find loads of great short educational films in the sciences.  

You can watch an entire show or find relevant chapters, called "segments" on your topic.

Films on Demand is a streaming video collection. To watch off-campus, just access through the library and enter your SID when prompted.