ENGL 127 Research Writing: Social Sciences (Schaefer)

This research guide is for students in Amanda Schaefer's English 127: Focus on Family & Home

Suggested magazines

Suggested Magazines

Here's a list of magazines I think are great places to look for your article. Each links to the database list where you can search directly for articles. 

Suggested Newspapers

Suggested Newspapers: Local & National

Local Alternative & Independent Newspapers

Local Alternative & Independent Newspapers 

See what's happening locally and how different communities talk about themselves and their issues in the pages of these alternative publications.

Find Articles in Library Databases


will help you find magazine and newspapers articles that are often not freely available through the internet.

What should you type into the search fields? 

  • Try a range of search terms, from general to narrow. 
    • Ex: homelessness is a broad concept
      • Narrower: "right to shelter" OR "right to housing" is a narrower focus in a discussion of homelessness
      • Narrower: homeless* AND gentrif* (which searches for homeless or homelessness AND gentrifying OR gentrification)

How can the database help your search?

  • You can limit to only magazine and/or newspaper articles by marking the appropriate boxes under Source type or with the menu to the left of your search results.
  • If the articles you're finding are too short, try limiting to Cover Story or Feature at Document Type.
  • Use database limiters to set a date limit to find articles current enough for your topic.
  • Click on an article title and read the abstract, or summary, of an article, to help you decide if it looks useful.
  • Look for useful subjects terms and keywords as you go.
  • Limit to Full Text only if you find a lot of highly relevant articles. 
Image 1 (Click on image to enlarge):

The image below shows a search in ProQuest of homeless* (which searches for homeless or homelessness) and "affordable housing"

Proquest - homeless* AND "affordable housing"

Image 2 (Click on image to enlarge): 

The image below shows the search limited at Source Type to magazines and newspapers. I can also do that after I search with the filters.

ProQuest - limit to source type: magazines and newspapers

Image 3 (Click on image to enlarge)

The image below shows the search further limited by document type. Here, I have selected feature and cover stories. I could also have looked for opinion, commentary, and editorials to find arguments and public opinion on the topic.

ProQuest- document type

Go straight to the alternative press

Ethnic NewsWatch: For viewpoints not covered by the mainstream press, a bilingual (English and Spanish) database of ethnic, minority and native newspapers, magazines and journals.

Alt-Press Watch: A full text database of newspapers, magazines and journals from alternative and independent presses. "Challenge mainstream media coverage" for new perspectives on your topics.

Why news articls?

When you search the library's periodical databases, most articles in your results are either from a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

Magazine Articles

Magazines are a great source of general information on current events.

Most magazine articles are written by journalists for an interested audience. Published on a weekly, rather than daily, basis, articles tend to be longer and more substantive than newspaper articles, but more accessible than scholarly articles.

Newspaper Articles 

Newspaper articles provide us with a daily snapshot of current events and issues. 

Read newspaper articles to learn about current and past international, national and local issues. 

Newspapers also give us insight into opinion on what's happening in the world.

Read editorials, op-eds, and opinion pieces to learn about viewpoints on current and past international, national and local issues.

Sample News Articles