ENGL 097 English Express (Moore)

For students in Julie Moore's English 97

Don't Settle: Effective Web Searching

Effective Web Searching

Improve your search results with site-specific searching: 

Limit to:

  • Government websites: site:.gov
  • Educational institutions (but watch out for student work!) site:.edu
  • Non-profit organizations (and some businesses) site:.org
  • Specific industries and many news sources are commercial enterprises. site:.com

Useful Education Websites

Statistics on the Web

Why websites [no assets = okay to map OR copy]

browser search bar with http://www. in it

image source below

The web is a great resource for:
  • Government information
  • International sources
  • Up-to-the-minute and local news
  • Local resources
  • Organizations involved in an issue
  • Statistics
  • Opinion
  • Images and video
  • and much more

Image Source: "Internet1" by Rock1997 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Find Country Education Info

Find a City/ Country Website

Find the official government website for a city or country. 

  • In the US, type in the city name and .gov
  • To find the official (rather than tourist) website of an international city, Wikipedia provides a link to the government website from the city profile box on the upper right of the article page. 
Google Web Search