ENGL 097 English Express (Moore)

For students in Julie Moore's English 97

Magazines & News for Educators

Education Magazines & Newspapers

Professionals learn about current issues and research in their fields through trade magazines. Here are a few:

Sample Articles:

Find your Topic in the Current News & Culture Conversation - Library Sources

Find Reporting and Analysis of Education Topics in Current News & Culture Journalism

Look for the conversation on your education topic in current newspapers, magazines, radio, podcasts, and educational video.

Enter your search terms. Be sure to try different words if your search isn't working. 

Find Newspapers, Magazines and Multimedia in Holman Library

Find Newspapers, Magazines and Multimedia in Holman Library

To find newspapers, magazines, and audiovisual sources, check those boxes in the menu of your search results.

In the sample search image below, I have checked the filters for magazine articles and newspaper articles in the library's One Search. 

mindset AND international students

Filter for magazine and newspaper articles

One Search

The One Search looks for sources in all library databases at once. 

Library Databases

Sample film from Films on Demand:

Sample search in Films on Demand (Search of India AND education):

India AND education

Find News Online: Education

Use the Web to look for education news from other national and international newspapers.

Find Multimedia News, Analysis, & Opinion Online

Find Reporting and Cultural Analysis Online

Sample News Report on NPR: