Study Skills 106: College Survival

Succeed in College; Win at Life!

Sample Title

Find Help at Holman Library


Holman Library is your go-to place on campus for research help and resources!

  • We are also here to help you find what you need to succeed on campus, whether course reserves, printing, laptop and wifi hotspot loans, or info on where to turn for help.
  • If you have questions, please just ask! You can find us in the library - or use the Find Help @ GRC page of this guide to find us when you need us.

Welcome to Holman Library!

Watch this helpful video on how (and why!) to use the library website.

Source: "Using the Library Website" by Holman Library is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Learn how to navigate and efficiently use the Holman Library website.

College Success

Study Skills Logo

email iconEmail

Email your questions. We'll get back to you by the next business day.

Please note that follow-up email questions during quarter breaks may have a longer response time, as the library is closed.

Have a question about circulation? (checking out or returning items, fines, items on hold...)

Please email the circulation desk email:

phone iconPhone

Call us at (253) 931-6480. A reference librarian can help you during regular library hours.

Have a circulation question such as picking up or dropping off items, borrowing items, and more? Please call the circulation number: 253-931-6490.

Info icon Request an Appointment with a Librarian

You can request a one-on-one appointment with a librarian to go over research questions during business hours that works for your schedule! Here are your options:

Online Appointments:

Meet with a GRC librarian online for 25 or 50 minutes. Schedule an appointment 24 hours in advance.

Schedule a quick check-in with a librarian (online, 25 minutes) Schedule an appointment with a librarian (online, 50 minutes)

In-Person Appointments:

Meet with a GRC librarian in-person, at Holman Library, for 25 or 50 minutes. Schedule an appointment 36 hours in advance.

Schedule an appointment with a librarian (in person, 50 minutes)

Need Help Today or Tomorrow?

Please note that you need to make an appointment 24 hours in advance (if online) and 36 hours in advance (if in-person). 

If you would like to talk to a librarian sooner than that, try calling, chatting, or emailing us. See the contact options above!

Which librarian should you make an appointment with?

 You will have the opportunity to see each librarian's available times. You can select the first available librarian ("anyone") or see available times for a librarian of your choice.

All librarians can generally help with most questions. If you would like to request a librarian that specializes in your class' area, click on the liaison areas beneath each librarian to see the areas of study each librarian works with.
Library Liaison Areas

Ask a Librarian

Ask a Librarian

Find ways to connect with a librarian using the button above, or 24/7 chat with a librarian below!