One Book 2023-2024: Environmental Justice - No Country for Eight-Spot Butterflies: A Lyric Essay

Lake Onondaga and Other Superfund Sites

[N]ine Superfund sites line the shore of Onondaga Lake, around which the present-day city of Syracuse, New York, has grown. Thanks to more than a century of industrial development, the lake known as one of North America's most sacred sites is now known as one of the most polluted lakes in the United States."

-Kimmerer, from Braiding Sweetgrass, p. 312-313
(cited below)

Superfund Sites & Environmental Justice

Chapter in Braiding Sweetgrass

Lake Onondaga Superfund Site

AND Legal Action by Onondaga Nation and Environmental Stakeholders

US Superfund Sites

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Use the Holman Library One Search to find articles and other sources on your Superfund Site. 

Search Tips:

  • Put phrases in quotes: "lake onondaga"
  • Connect your key ideas with AND to focus and narrow them: "lake onondaga" AND superfund
  • Broaden your search with synonyms or related terms by using OR: biohazards OR biowaste
  • Use limiters in One Search to help you sort by date or source type.
  • Need help? Please reach out to your librarians! This guide has a Find Help @GRC page with lots of info on how to reach us at a time and mode that works for you. 

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Source: "Searching Databases with Keywords" by lehmanlibrary , is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.