This guide was created by Christina DelliSante and Jody Segal in the summer/autumn of 2019. If you see errors, have questions, or suggestions for improvement, let us know by using the contact information on the "Get Help" page of this guide!
October 3 | “Homestead and Home Again” | Dr. Katie Baker, Biology | 12-12:50 pm | SH 110
October 17 | “Do Developed Nations Have An Obligation to Developing Nations?” | Rebeka Ferreira, Philosophy | 12-12:50 pm | SH 110
November 4 | "Papers: Conversations with Undocumented Youth" | Filmmaker & Youth Leader film screening, panel & Q&A | 2-4 pm | Grand Hall, SU
November 14 | “Francophone Heritage, African Voices and U.S. immigration” | 12-12:50 pm | SH 110 | Lisa Luengo, French & Spanish - with guest Aisha Kone (former student)
December 5 | “Intersecting Borders and Bridges: Mobility as Home in Twenty-first Century Literature” | Dr. Michael Moreno and Lina Pittser, English | 12-12:50 pm | SH 110
Please click on or download the flyer for descriptions of talks.