ENGL 127 Research Writing: Social Sciences (Frye)

Find your Scholarly Conversation in Library Databases

Search for scholarly articles

Use a library periodicals database and the library One Search to find the scholarly conversation and articles for your annotated bibliography and literature review. Tips:

  • To find just scholarship, limit to peer-reviewed or scholarly journal articles only. By the way, be sure to still assess if it's a scholarly article! Scholarly journals contain book reviews (of new works in that field) and even commentary (an editorial on a current issue in that field). 
  • To find the most relevant articles, you will need to consider many more. Try multiple keywords and subject terms, and search different databases.
To find relevant scholarly articles: 
  • For scholarly articles limit your search to scholarly and/or peer reviewed journals. (In JSTOR just check the box next to Articles to omit reviews!) Much of the content in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is scholarly. 
  • Use the Advanced Search feature to combine Keywords or use Subject Terms to find more relevant search results.
  • Set an appropriate date limit.
  • Click on an article title for the abstract to decide if you should read the whole thing.
  • I suggest leaving "full text" unchecked. It's helpful to learn about relevant sources, even if you have to track them down elsewhere!

Here's a screenshot from the ProQuest database that illustrates what I mean:

Using Subject Terms

Databases each have a set of controlled vocabulary they use to organize and search content; they are called Subject Terms. If you can't figure out what keyword will find you articles on your topic, you can search that collection's Subject Terms instead of keywords to find the most relevant articles on a topic. 

  • Select Subject Terms (in Academic Search Complete) or the Thesaurus (in ProQuest and browse for the Subject Term used by the database.
  • Type in your keyword, click Browse, and then read through the suggested Subject Terms.
  • Click on a term for an explanation of what it means.
  • Change OR to AND to combine relevant subject terms. I suggest building your search slowly. Start with one Subject Term and refine that search with additional keywords or subjects.
  • As shown in the image below, instead of the common expression "blended families," Academic Search Complete uses the Subject Term: STEPFAMILIES.

(click on image to enlarge)

search page showing how to search by subject terms

Additionally, the Subject Terms list can also help you identify key subtopics, as in the example below. 

  • Click on Subject Terms at the top banner to find the terms used to organize articles on a subject.
  • Type in your keyword and click Browse.
  • Below your term, you will see a list of subtopics for the subject term.

(click on image to enlarge)

subject limiting shown in screenshot as outlined in text

  • To use Subject Terms in a search, check the box next to a term and click Add if you are in the list of Subject Terms.
  • You can change OR to AND to add another subject term.

Be a power researcher!

Full Text

ProQuest, Academic Search Complete, and other research databases include article abstracts and citation information without full text. This is useful to you as a researcher!

You may check the box for Full Text only results, but if you leave it unchecked, you will learn about highly relevant articles that you can track down elsewhere, whether in another GRC database or in WorldCat.

You can borrow articles we do not have in full text for free through Interlibrary Loan.

To track down the full text:

  • In your results list, click on Check for Full Text in other sources. That will either:

    • Link directly to the article in another Holman Library database


  • Provide a link to InterLibrary Loan. Click on the InterLibrary Loan link to borrow the article from another library. Articles are generally available electronically and they will be emailed to you quickly.

(Click on image to enlarge)


Citation "Mining"

Effective researchers "mine" or look through the references of a relevant book or article to find additional sources for their own research. This can be a productive technique!

To track down sources from a references list:  

  • Type the title of the source into search box of the library's One Search Tool.
  • Put the title in "quotes" to keep all the words together. If the title is very long, you might do best with just the first part.
  • If we have it, you'll find it easily this way. If we don't have it, you can use InterLibrary to borrow it for free.

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot of a search, highlighting how you can choose to limit or not limit to full-text - and how you can look for an article in another database


Research Log

Use this research log to identify your research question, identify keywords and subject terms, and track the scholarly conversation on the topic.