Environmental Science

Research/resource guide for students of ENV S 194 and ENV S 204, or those researching papers with environmental topics

Limiting to one publication in Academic Search Complete

Searching a Known Publication in Academic Search Complete

All databases house a collection of articles (or other source types) from various publications. To limit to just one publication, you can use the Publication search. The screenshots below show how to browse articles inside a specific publication (such as the publication Nature):  

  1. After opening the database, you will see the following initial search page:
  • Instead of typing keywords or the publication name in the box, use the "Publication" search option below.
  • Type the title of the publication you want to search inside into the box, and then select it from the list as show in the images below.

(click on image to enlarge)

Search page in Academic search showing how to click on the Publication Search page to search by a known title

  1. You will then see information about the publication and you will have the option to search inside it.
  • Shown in the image below, you will see a list of the years/issues available that you can click on to search inside, one by one, or you can type your keywords into the box that reads "Search within Publication" 
  • This will allow you to search within all the issues of the publication that the library subscribes to inside this database.
  • As with any search, try different combinations of search terms and use the filters as needed. Trying different keywords is a powerful way to discover the best sources for your research!

(click image to enlarge)

a search for Climate change AND birds is entered into the "search within publication" box

  1. This final image shows the page of results from the search. Notice the search box at the top includes the information about the single publication you're now searching in, along with the keywords you enter. 
  • If you need to revise and try different keywords, be sure to keep the initial part in the search (JN "Nature")

(click on image to enlarge)

a search showing the database is limited to search withing just one publication, and a list of results