ENGL 099 Introductory Composition

formerly English 100

MLA and APA formatting style

Sample essays

The two sample essays below highlight the formatting features of MLA and APA style from start to finish. 


(click on any of the images below to enlarge)

image of the first page of the sample essay

image of the second page of the sample essay

the third page of the sample essay

The fourth page of the sample essay

The fifth page of the sample essay

the sixth page of the sample essay

page seven of the sample essay

page eight of the same essay

page 9 of the sample essay

final note of the sample essay, showing a citation for an image embedded in paper

(click on any of the images below to enlarge)

image of the first page of the sample essay, the cover page

image of the first page of the sample essay

image of the third page of the sample essay

image of the 4th page of the sample essay

image of the 5th page of the sample essay

image of the 6th page of the sample essay

image of the 7th page of the essay

image of the 8th page of the sample essay

image of the 9th page of the sample paper, showing the references

image of a final citation