When you are just starting out reading about news or research updates in a professional field, you may not be sure how to begin! Here are some tips on how to connect with news and research in this academic field.
Starting with professional (trade) portals or current news in the subject will often lead to mentions of specific materials and / or research studies that you can search out for more information. The articles can give you more ideas to begin a search, more specialized terms (such as the Wired image below where the article headline mentions 'graphene'), and sometimes even links to current research.
Nanowerk is a nanotechnology portal that includes news about the latest research in the field and how nanotech is used in different industries:
(Click image to enlarge)
Scientific American and Wired are two general publications that post features on the web about current research in technology and science fields:
(click images to enlarge)
(or to search Scientific American, Wired, or other publications on the web --to skim headlines for ideas-- you can use Google, linked below.)
You can use the Holman Library search tools to help you find more on topics mentioned or specific research articles mentioned-- in the library, in an academic article database through Holman Library, or on the web! See the 'Finding Article, Books, Reports, etc.' page for more information on how to locate items.
Use Google Advanced Search for power searching on the general web
Use with caution!
Wikipedia can be a source to help you brainstorm keywords to begin a search in other resources.
Don't quote Wikipedia, and use linked sources only AFTER you have evaluated them.
Be aware that materials may be referred to using several different standards systems. Some common examples:
One source used by many types of engineers and physicists is the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. You can find the most recent version in Holman Library's Reference shelves: