Criminal Justice Subject Guide

Research Tools & Resources in Criminal Justice

Find Scholarly Articles & Case Law in Library Databases and Online

Holman Library One Search

Use the Holman Library One Search to search for peer reviewed and other sources in all of our databases at once. 

To find sources:

  • Type in your initial search terms. 
  • Add more search words with Advanced Search
  • Search and use the menu to find Peer Reviewed Journals only
  • Use other limiters on the left to filter your results by date and more
  • To expand your search beyond our collection (and borrow with Interlibrary Loan), check the box to include sources not in full text. 

Search in a Specialized Database

Sometimes it's more productive to search in a specific database! Library databases offer useful subject terms and specialized databases return more relevant results.

Criminal Justice Database:
Psychology Database
Multidisciplinary Databases:

Search Tips

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot showing a search in the database and the filters, outlined in the text below the image, highlighted.

As shown in the screenshot above:

  • Use multiple and different search terms to retrieve different articles. Use quotation marks around exact terms if the results are not relevant. 
  • Check the "full text" and "peer-reviewed" options if needed
  • You can also limit by publication date when needed.

Legal Archives Online

You can find some good scholarly criminal justice articles for this assignment on the free web, but remember, the burden of proof rests on you to determine if the article is scholarly.

Be sure to check for date!

The following legal archives on the web offer some free full text content. 

Google Scholar - Articles & Case Law

Use Google Scholar to find articles about laws and to find the laws themselves. 

  • Choose Case Law to find laws.
  • Search for Articles about laws with a basic or advanced search. 

PRO TIP: Set Google Scholar to check for full text in Holman Library Databases.

  1. Click on three line menu bar
  2. Click on Settings. 
  3. Click on Library Links.
  4. Type in Green River College Library. 
Google Scholar Search
InterLibrary Loan

If the full text is not available through Holman Library, you can submit a request to borrow articles and books free of charge with InterLibrary Loan.