NATRS 270 - Stream/Wetland Ecology

One Search - Find books, articles, videos and more

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Use Holman Library One Search to:
  • Search for books, CDs, videos and articles in Holman Library
  • Get an overview of information on a subject
  • Track down citations
Sample Search:

This sample search of "green tea" in the image below found over 79,508 books, articles, videos.

  • Use "Advanced Search" to add additional search options.
  • The "Filter My Results" options on the left let you sort by type (books, videos, articles), location (library items), and date. 

(click on image to enlarge)

Primo One Search on 'green tea'

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  1. Use the search box to find books in libraries across the United States.
  2. If you find a book not owned by GRC, keep the record open in WorldCat.
  3. Open a new window with the Interlibrary Loan form (use the link below) to request that the book be sent to GRC's Holman Library free of charge! (note: this process may take 1-2 weeks)

Google Advanced Search (or search "advanced search" to find it!)

Advanced Google Searching

Use Google Advanced Search for power searching on the general web

  • Note your ability to limit to one particular domain (.gov, .edu, .org):

(Click on image to enlarge)

Image of Google Advanced Search page

Some Source Types You'll See:


Reports are usually informational publications produced by government organizations or professional groups. They may contain some recommendations for future actions, and will usually contain statistics and descriptive material about the issue of concern. These reports are often available as digital publication (but may be print-only if they date from before digital publishing was available).

Books & eBooks

Books are a good source for connecting your topic to the "larger picture" by bringing in history or the social context (why your topic is important, etc.). You don't have to read the entire book to have it as a source-- you can use a smaller part of it if you like.

Videos & DVDs 

Videos and DVDs include both streaming online video and physical DVDs at the library. These are great sources for images, interviews, and (sometimes) statistics.