BIOL 160: General Biology

Biology Project: Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Health Claims

Science, Health & Multidisciplinary Databases in Holman Library

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Why use Scholarship?

Why Use Scholarly Literature? 

Features of scholarly literature: 
  • Written by scholars and subject experts
  • Written to advance our knowledge in a field
  • Dedicated to a specific discipline, like mental health, family health, nutrition, gerontology,sciences, etc.
  • May offer original research, a review of existing research, or a theoretical analysis
  • Include transparent methodology so that research study findings are verifiable
  • Often long and it engages with issues at a substantive level. It assumes knowledge in the field.
  • Articles almost always include an extensive list of sources at the end (References, Sources, or Bibliography) and comprehensive in-text citations for all claims made in the body of the article
  • Published by organizations or associations to advance the body of knowledge