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CMST 238 Intercultural Communication: Cite

What's in this guide?

Welcome to the Citations Guide

To learn how to effectively cite sources for your essays, presentations and other projects:

  • explore the tabs on this guide
  • watch video segments on this page

Purpose of Citations

Citations are a way of giving credit to others for their ideas and work. In school, in jobs and in our personal lives, when we write an essay, give a presentation, make a speech, or record a video, we are often stepping into ongoing conversations and previous research around a topic. In the scholarly tradition of the United States, citations demonstrate that we have done our research and they give credit to those whose ideas and words we are building on.

Citations: The How and Why of Citing Sources

NoodleTools Citation Workshop

NoodleTools Citation Workshop

Scholarship is a Conversation!
This hands-on workshop will help you understand why and how to give credit in your academic work and beyond.

Workshop focus:
  • Understanding why and when to cite other works
  • Integrating and citing sources material
  • Using NoodleTools citation maker
Please create your NoodleTools account before attending the workshop and/or be sure you can log in to your existing account.

See instructions below.

Schedule:  NoodleTools Support is Asynchronous this Quarter! 

See below for a link to our online asynchronous tutorial in Canvas. 

To Register:
  • Open the REGISTRATION LINK below to select the workshop date you would like.
  • We will send you registration confirmation. 
  • Please be sure to set up your NoodleTools Account or check your login to your existing account prior to the workshop. (Instructions are below.)
  • You may drop in without registering space permitting.
Set up your NoodleTools account
Asynchronous Citations & NoodleTools Workshops:

Can't attend a citation workshop at the scheduled times?  

You can take an online version of the workshop through our online NoodleTools Citation Tutorial in Canvas or the NoodleTools How-To Guide!

Research 103 LibGuide


Some content of this guide was used with permission from Anne Arundel Community College Library.  Many thanks for sharing their excellent work!

Automatic Citation Generator


Access online tutorials using the links below:

Quick Guides: APA and MLA

Citation Quick Guides