HIST 215 Women in US History (Marshman)

HIST& 215 critically examines historical fashion and ideals of beauty as reflections of contemporary events. This guide will help you complete your History of Dress Research Paper.

Find Multimedia in Holman Library & on the Web

Find DVDs & Streaming Video in Holman Library

Use the library catalog and Films on Demand database to find and stream short educational films on history of gender, particularly through the lens of fashion and clothing. 

Sample DVDs:

Holman Library Streaming Video Collection

Search Directly in Films on Demand, Holman Library's Streaming Video Database.

Sample Streaming Video Titles:

Select Online Resources 


Why Use Multimedia?

Why Use Multimedia (Video, Podcasts, Streaming Radio, Film)?

Find educational content, and news & analysis of current societal and cultural issues, as well as primary archival footage in non-print media. 

Be sure to assess if the content belongs in your academic research project.