Career and Job Research

This guide provides resources to help you research careers, search for jobs, write résumés, gain interview skills, and more.

Explore Current Professional Issues in Trade Journals

Searching for Trade publications

Trade publications contain articles written for professionals in a specific industry.

Use the library databases ProQuest and Academic Search Complete to search for articles within trade publications.

Here's a screenshot with step-by-step instructions (written below) on searching trade publications in ProQuest

  1. Type in your keywords in the ProQuest databases search boxes to find articles
  2. Select "Full-Text" so you can limit the results to only articles you can read/download/email immediately
  3. Notice the ways to limit by source type. Here, we are limiting to Trade Journals and Scholarly Journals.
  4. Carry out the search

(click on image to enlarge)

search page in ProQuest showing how to limit to trade journals

Find Professional Associations & Websites

Association web sites 

Professional associations are organizations that support members of a certain profession. An association helps members of specific field keep current, develop themselves professionally, and come together to discuss important issues in their profession.

An association's web site is a great place to learn about a potential career. Use Google to find an association web site for your profession. Search with your profession name and association (example: librarian association).