ENGL 101 English Composition 1 (Theme: Language, Identity, & Community)

One Search of ALL Holman Library Resources

Browsing with One Search

Use One Search to search in ALL library databases at once, or to find books in our collection. 

  • Build your search slowly with multiple search terms. 
  • When relevant, use quotation marks to keep words together, as a phrase. Example: "affordable housing"
  • Use * to truncate and search for multiple forms of a word.
  • Use OR for synonyms/ alternate search terms.
  • Use AND to narrow and focus.

Note: Go to individual databases for magazines, more subject terms, up-to-date streaming video content, and more.

(click on image to enlarge)

One Search of code switch and identity

When you see search results, you may need to limit further. You may:

  • use the limiters on the left to filter your results by source type, subject, date, language, and more.
  • add (or change) search terms

Click on relevant titles to learn more - and to find useful Subject Terms.

(click on image to enlarge)

One Search Results Code switch and identity