The US Carceral System & Injustice

Law enforcement & incarceration

Law Enforcement & the Criminal Justice System

The police violence against Black communities that we’re witnessing in the U.S. today is not new, but the scale of demonstrations, dialogue, and introspect it has prompted is unprecedented. This moment is exposing a pattern of brutality dating back to the violent takeover of lands and lives by white European colonizers — centuries of theft and genocide of Indigenous people and enslavement of Africans. People are seeing more clearly than ever. They want to learn what it means to be an ally to anti-racist movements, and they’re looking for ways to deepen their involvement.

-From Ways to Help Fight Anti-Black Police Violence
linked & cited in the box below)

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Police Violence & Killings

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Source citation: Ali, Maz. "Ways to Help Fight Anti-Black Police Violence." EarthJustice, 5 June 2020, Accessed 18 Aug.2020.

Racial Profiling in Policing

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Police Reform, Funding & Defunding 

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Source: "Why Police Reform Doesn't Work In The U.S." by BuzzFeedVideo, Standard YouTube license

Community Policing 

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