ENGL 235 Introduction to Technical Communication (Milian)

For students in Patrick Milian's English 235

Workplace Ethics

Building (and Running) an Inclusive Workplace

Select Resources

The What & Why of Inclusive Language

Person-Centered Language

"Person-centered language is language that puts people first. People are so much more than their substance use disorder, mental illness, or disability. Using person-centered language is about respecting the dignity, worth, unique qualities and strengths of every individual. A person’s identity and self-image are closely linked to the words used to describe them." 

from "Person-Centered Language" - Clinical Tips 

Inclusive Conversations

"Inclusive conversations are dialogues between two or more people of different cultural backgrounds (e.g., race, ethnicity, reli- gion, gender, gender identity, ability status, class/socioeconomic, or other dimension of difference) attempting to achieve an equitable outcome. Inclusive conversations consider power dynamics and systems of inequity. Inclusive conversations require the courage to critically self-reflect, to acknowledge what you don’t know, and to embrace a willingness to learn. The desired outcome of inclusive conversations is enhanced mutual understanding that leads to equitable solutions."

from Ch 1, Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy, and Belonging Across Differences

Inclusive Language Tools

The What and Why of Equitable & Inclusive Meetings

"Setting a diverse workforce up for success requires a commitment to the practices of inclusion. This means more companies need to create meeting cultures where diverse contributors have equal impact. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to actively and intentionally give them opportunities to do so. ... The problem is that many leaders don’t know where to start. Inclusive behaviors in meetings can be wide ranging, from making sure everyone has a seat at the table to giving each person a chance to speak."

from Harvard Business Review

Select Books