One Book 2020-2021: The US Carceral System & Injustice - Becoming Ms. Burton & Just Mercy

Dig Deeper into your Research - by Source Type and Resource

Background Articles

Getting background info on your topic is a great place to start your research.

Learn about the history, issues, stakeholders, terminology, and more - before searching for more complex information.

Background sources are also a great place to find keywords on a topic and leads to helpful resources.

Newspaper and Magazine articles

Use the links below to search in library databases for current news and analysis of the news. You can also find editorials and opinion on the op-ed pages.

Search tips:
  • Search by keyword to find relevant sources. Look for additional relevant keywords as you search.
  • Limit to "full-text" if you need to access only articles that you can immediately download. 
  • Set an appropriate date limit to find current enough information.
  • To limit your search to only magazine and/or new articles, select magazines or newspapers at Publication Type.
  • If you choose newspaper articles, look for substance! Try limiting to cover story, feature, front page for longer articles.
  • You can limit to editorials or opinion to find argumentative essays on current issues.
Search directly in Newspaper collections:
Local Sources: 

Streaming films

Use the library's Films on Demand database to find streaming educational films & journalism in order to learn more about your topic.

Accessing films through KCLS 

As a student at Green River College, you automatically have access to online library resources at King County Library System. 

King County Library System logo


Use the links below to find streaming videos!
  • To Log in: use GRC + your student username. (The part before the @ in your GRC email address.)
  • Example OLD email: GRCjsmith23
  • Example NEW email: GRCsmith.jane.23
  • PIN number: your pin is the last four characters of your log in. Example: e.23

Steaming Video Databases
  • Access Video
  • Hoopla
  • Kanopy

Radio & Podcasts

Books & Book Chapters in Print & eBooks

Search titles, authors, or keywords using the Advanced Search link below.

  • NOTE: Use the limiters in the One Search to select Books and/or Book Chapters!

You can also limit to print books with the box: "Available in the Library" or eBooks with the box: "View Online."

For print books, once you find a title, jot down the Call Number to find it on the shelves.

Holman Library logo

Electronic Books

Use the database links below to go directly to the library's collection of eBooks. You may search by title, author, subject term, or just general keywords.

Find the Arguments in Editorials, Viewpoints, & Opinion

Use the resources below to find a range of informed opinion on your topics.

Source: " Legal Research Tutorial: Finding Case Law Using Google Scholar " by Library of Congress , is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.

Step into the Scholarly Conversation

The library has over 100 databases, all housing books and articles from newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and more. The databases linked below have a mix of content in them. Be sure to select Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journals to find scholarship.

Search using keywords or subject terms, and be sure to limit to full-text if you need to access only articles that you can immediately access/download now. You may also use InterLibrary Loan to request articles from other libraries free of charge.

Holman Library Databases
Open Access Online Legal Archives

Holman Library logo

Use Holman Library One Search to:
  • Search for a range of source types at once, including books, articles, audiovisual, and more from Holman Library
  • Get an overview of information on a subject
  • Track down citations
  • Connect your key ideas with AND or OR in the Advanced Search.
  • Use filters on the left to limit by specific source type, date range, and more.

Finding Sources on the Web

You will find a range of Web sources throughout the pages of this research guide, from advocacy and activist organizations, research institutes, not-for-profit support agencies, and governmental sources. 

As with any source, be sure to assess for:

  • authority and expertise (authority is contextual, and it may range from firsthand experience to academic study)
  • bias
  • currency
  • reliability
  • purpose
Tips for effective Web searching:

Target specific source types with URL searching within specific domains. 

  • for governmental sources (variant: for a state government)
  • for sites registered as not-for-profit (assess! Some are organizations working on an issue. Use the About Us tab to learn more about their perspective. You will also find some news sources, wikipedia, and other .orgs).
  • for education sites (beware student work you find online. .edu does not guarantee scholarly)
  • for military info
  • for commercial websites (news sources are usually .coms. In other words, we don't need to throw out all .coms!) 

You can also use Google Advanced Search, linked below.

(Click on video to open in another window)
Source: "Searching Google Effectively" by Joshua Vossler, UWF Libraries, Educational use.

Vocabulary to consider

Language Is Political and Personal

All communities have preferred language to talk about their experiences and identities. 

When discussing the US legal and carceral system, the words we use to discuss people, actions, laws, and issues reflect different points of view.

Please consider using language considered respectful by the system-impacted community. 

Research Logs for Kirsten Higgins English 127 Class

To type in and save a word document:
  • Click on the link to download the document.
  • Open the document from downloads if needed.
  • Log in to your One Drive when prompted. Don't skip this step.
  • Click on edit to be able to edit the document. 
  • Save it to your One Drive and access from anywhere.

Related guides

More info?

The pages/tabs in this guide are all aimed at linking you to information on the various CJ topics in this guide. However, you might find it useful to take a look at the following guides for more resources and tutorials.

Legal & Carceral System News Sources