Research 101: Getting Started On Your Research Project

Picking and Developing a Topic

Step 2: Picking and Developing a Topic

When brainstorming and selecting a topic be sure that you are choosing from within the scope of your assignment. 

  • Many assignments will give guidance about what topics you can OR cannot choose to write about. 
  • You will also want to choose a topic that is complex enough for college level writing. 
  • Be sure to think critically about possible topics and to consider multiple points of view.

If you are given a wide scope of topics to choose from, start with a broad topic that you are interested in then draw on the background research you do in Step 3 to focus your topic. 

  • Starting with a broad idea then doing some preliminary research could help you narrow in on a focused and researchable topic. As you begin the research process it is ok to start with a general topic or idea but as you conduct research look for ways to narrow in or focus your topic. This will be described in further detail in Step 3.
Need help selecting a topic? 

Several of our research databases provide lists of topics. Scan through these lists to see what seems interesting and fits with your assignment.

Example 1: Using CQ Researcher to Generate Ideas

In the CQ Researcher database, you can browse for topic two different ways.

  1. Hover your mouse over the Browse Topics button near the top of the screen, then select a topic of interest. You can then click on more narrow aspect of this topic on the resulting screen.
  2. Hover your mouse over the Browse Reports button near the top of the screen, then select by date. You can then click on one of the years to see a chronological list of reports.

The image below shows the main landing page in the CQ Researcher, where you can find both of these options.

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot of database search page

Example 2: Using Opposing Viewpoints to Generate Ideas

In the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database you can browse for topics by clicking on the Browse Issues button. The icon for this button is a light bulb. When you click on this button you will be shown a large list of broad topics. When you click on one of these topics you will be shown a collection of Viewpoint articles, which focuses in on narrow aspects of these topics.

The image below shows the main landing page in the Opposing Viewpoints Database, where you can see the icon for Browse Issues icon on the right-hand side.

Be sure to click through to topic pages.

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot of database


Example 3: Explore News Media for Current Issues

You can also scan through the websites of media outlets to see what is currently being written about.

  • Look at headlines and go to individual sections of the news to find interesting and relevant topics.

See the list of suggested news media under library databases to explore.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Front Page of the NY Times - note sections and headlines

Helpful Databases for Getting Started

Library Databases to Explore

Explore topic ideas in library databases.

Current News Media to Explore

Explore Topic Ideas in the News