Research Guide: Articles

Use this guide to learn more about how to find articles at the Holman Library

What is a database?

Learning About Databases

Article databases help you find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles that are often not freely available on the internet. Remember that an article can be anything that is written and published somewhere - on a website, in a newspaper, magazine, or journal. Each of these source types tends to have different characteristics or attributes. And often, the language used, the depth of coverage, the degree of citations, even the way an article looks physically, can tell you a lot about a topic and the way it is being presented. You can easily search the library's databases to find articles from all kinds of different sources! 

Watch the video below to learn more

Video: What is a Database?

Source: "What are the library databases and which one should I use?" by NEIU Libraries, is licensed under a Standard YouTube License.

Learn how to identify library databases and choose the appropriate database to use for your topic.