learn how to avoid plagiarism by knowing when and how to cite sources
gain knowledge and apply skills through plagiarism tutorials and quizzes
Academic Honesty is important...
...for your time here at GRC: As you pursue your education here at GRC and elsewhere, you will be exposed to the ideas, theories, and creative works of countless scholars, scientists, journalists, professionals, and artists. Whether the project is an essay, a solution to a math problem, or a research paper, it becomes important to consider how to incorporate the ideas of others and how sources will be identified and cited. This means that academic honesty is foundational to all types of critical commentary, scholarly inquiry, and knowledge production expected by instructors at GRC.
... for your other educational pursuits: Many GRC students transfer to four-year colleges and universities to pursue bachelor degrees in every field imaginable. Some of the important skills that GRC students take with them are the ability to research and cite their sources correctly.
... for your job and your personal life: Additionally, academic honesty is not limited to school. In our increasingly information-rich world, professionals in all fields and we in our individual lives have a responsibility to understand how to use and create information ethically. Our reputations depend on it!
Video Tutorial: Why Cite Sources and How to Avoid Plagiarism