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Researching Technical Issues (IT) - Bruce: Step 4: Actively read for solutions/context

Reading for context: winhelponline

When reading through an article or website, slow down and note useful related terms

In the example below, you can see how I began to note related keywords or services that I thought might help me figure out if this solution applied to my issue and/or run an additional search with more search terms, such as:

  • Windows Update server; 
  • "domain-joined computers;"
  • WSUS server;
  • "group policy setting"

This can also be a good time to pay attention to any steps that might require additional preparation or caution even if the "fix" or support documents do not mention it.

  • For example: In the suggested steps in the WinHelpOnline article below, if I am going to edit the registry of a computer to resolve my technical issue, a step that can have major consequences, I may want to backup my data first.

Help! I don't know what this term means!

Example: "wget" definition via Wikipedia

Wikipedia search screenshot

Wikipedia - article on 'wget' program