"Inequality has become embedded in most, if not all, of the institutions and systems that govern our society. The pain and the burden of these inequalities, however, are felt most by those with the least power, resources, and mobility in our society."
From pg. 233 of Born Bright
Dr. Beegle, a product of generational poverty, talks about the stereotypes, the causes, and impact of poverty and the importance of educating others and understanding the issue. Dr. Beegle was in the state conducting a workshop on poverty hosted by the University of Arkansas Early Care and Education Projects. The taping took place at the Hilton Garden Inn in West Little Rock. Aired on PBS. 9/17/15
Use the links below to access videos from Films on Demand about poverty in America
Zipcode Destiny: The Persistent Power Of Place And Education - on the NPR's the Hidden Brain November 12, 2018