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CMST 238 Intercultural Communication: Finding Intercultural News

Finding News (plus Editorials / Opinion) in Newspapers & Magazines

How to build a search to find opinion

To build a search for opinion in article databases, try these tips:

  1. Enter more than one keyword or keyword phrase in your search - try to focus your topic.
  2. Check Full Text to see articles where you can access and read the entire article's text online.
  3. Select Magazine and Newspaper under "Source Type" to see articles from these types of publications.
  4. Select Document Types known to have opinion. 
    • Some examples:
      • Commentary
      • Editorial
      • Feature 
      • Front Page/Cover Story
      • Interview

(click on image to enlarge)

ProQuest opinion in news publications search options

Google News

Online Resources for International News

Today's Headlines

International News Websites

Recommended National (U.S.) News / Feature Websites