CJ 205 Criminal Evidence (Swenson)

Find Current Journalism

Find News Sources

News journalism is a great place to find news, analysis, and/or opinion on issues related to our criminal justice system issues. 

This page provides links to many resources in the library and on the Web, along with some tips and tricks on how to sort through the results you'll find.

Multidisciplinary Databases:
  • To find current news sources, limit to newspapers and/or magazines. 
  • Set a current enough date limit.
  • Try a range of search terms. Look for words that work and try them out to find the most relevant sources for your topic.
The Alternative Press

Search for news, analysis, and opinion in the alternative press.

Sample Search: 

This search in ProQuest is of the phrase "Wrongful convictions" .

  • If I want to focus it further, I could add a second keyword, and search, for example: "wrongful convictions" AND innocence
  • I limited to Full Text only
  • I set a date range to within the past three years
  • I limited to only newspapers and magazines 

ProQuest: "wrongful convictions"

limiters: date, source type, full text

Suggested Magazines