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CMST 230 Small Group Communication: Finding Videos & Interviews

This guide will assist students in CMST 230 with their research assignments.

Videos @ Holman Library

Use the library's Films on Demand database to find short films covering issues related to your career too.

Films on Demand logo

Looking for a video transcript?

Many of the online videos from Holman Library come with online text transcripts. This can be useful if you would like to quote part of the information in your own research paper or informative presentation.

FoD transcript link screenshot

Finding Video on YouTube

Tips for finding useful videos:

  • Search for your topic/artist by name AND include one of the following words--  news, clip, interview, performance, "official video" --if you do not find useful results using only your artist's name.
  • Put phrases in quotation marks ("Dream Team") to keep it together in the search.
  • When possible, choose results from more reputable sources - for example, the clip below is from a major newspaper's channel (Los Angeles Times)

The video below was found on YouTube by searching ' "1992 Dream Team" interview '.