Women's History Month

GRC Holman Library and local resources for Women's History Month

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Women's History Month

March Is Women's History Month

Every March, the United States honors the generations of women and their contributions to society.

Harris & Ewing. Penn[sylvania] on the picket line-- 1917. Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Web. 22 Jan 2015.


Streaming Film


Photo of Sojourner Truth, from “The Oratory of Women's Suffrage.” Films On Demand, Films Media Group, 2005, 

Streaming Film

Check out this documentary from Films On Demand:

Women First & Foremost

"Women First & Foremost offers shining examples of how generations of women have achieved their deserved place at the forefront of history."


Use the tabs on the left side of your screen to learn about Women's History and the resources available for your research:

About Women's History Month

Recognition and celebration of Women's History in the United States began in 1981. That year, Congress requested and authorized the President to proclaim the week beginning on March 7, 1982 as Women's History Week. That week of celebration was extended to a full month in 1987, after a petition by the National Women's History Project. 

For more information about Women's History Month, visit http://womenshistorymonth.gov/. 

Recent News about Women & Girls at The New York Times

Read about current events affecting women and girls: