ENGL 161 Cultures of Desire

Find DVDs & Streaming Video in Holman Library

Finding DVDs in the library

Use the Holman Library One Search to look for DVDs in our collection.

  • Fiction DVDs are located together on shelving near the Tutoring Center.

(click on image to enlarge)

A search in the catalog showing how to limit to audio visual - here, for Marvel DVDs

Search the catalog for DVDs

Use the search box below to look for videos in the library's collection. Remember to limit by "Source Type" as shown in the image above.

King County Library System (KCLS) Video Databases

Accessing the KCLS Library System

As a student at Green River College, you automatically have access to online library resources at King County Library System. 

King County Library System logo

Use the links below to find streaming videos!
  • To Log in: use GRC + your student username. (The part before the @ in your GRC email address.)
  • Example OLD email: GRCjsmith23
  • Example NEW email: GRCsmith.jane.23
  • PIN number: your pin is the last four characters of your log in. Example: e.23
Steaming Video Databases
  • Access Video
  • Hoopla
  • Kanopy

Film Reviews on line


Find a Fictional TV Show or Film for this week's lens of Justice.

Sample DVDs in Holman Library

Sample DVDs in Holman Library:

Browse by title in the catalog: