HIST 215 Women in US History (Marshman)

HIST& 215 critically examines historical fashion and ideals of beauty as reflections of contemporary events. This guide will help you complete your History of Dress Research Paper.

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

Writing an Annotated Bibliography

A Bibliography is a list of the sources you used to research your paper. It includes the works you cited in the text of your paper, as well as materials you read as background to understand your topic. Your bibliography includes the books; journal, magazine, newspaper and reference articles; images; websites; and other sources you used. Bibliographies follow different formats, the most common of which are MLA and APA. MLA is the preferred format for this class.

An Annotated Bibliography includes an annotation with the basic bibliographic information (citation) for each resource. For this class your annotation should provide the following information in 3-4 sentences:

  • A brief 1-2 sentence summary of information in the source. Focus on the info relevant to your project.
  • Why it is an appropriate source for your presentation/paper? How is the source authoritative, credible, reliable, and current enough for your purposes?
  • How info in the source will contribute to your paper/presentation – so does it provide an overview, history, analysis of fashion, images of dress, news of the day, etc.

Annotations are written in paragraph form. Please keep in mind that all your text, including the paragraph beneath the citation, must be indented so that the author's last name is the only text that is flush left.

Sample Annotation

Sample (in MLA format):

Taylor, Lou. “Dress.” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, edited by Maryanne C. Horowitz, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2005, pp. 596-605.

“Dress,” by Lou Taylor, provides an historic, theoretical, and cultural overview of the academic study of dress. Though am academic reference book article and not an in-depth study, “Dress” offers a clear and insightful explanation of how clothing provides a window into history: namely that the clothing one wears reflects one’s individual and group identity. In other words, the study of dress offers insight into what’s sacred in a society; generational differences; occupation, economic and vocational status in a society; ethnicity, community, nationality and racial identification; gender and sexuality; and individual values. While Taylor’s focus is outside of the US, his discussion is highly relevant to the study of dress in any context. I will use the analysis to support my analysis of 1970s counter-culture fashion.

The annotation above: summarizes key points from the article, mentions that it provides an overview and is from a reference source, makes the argument that the article offers useful analysis, and reflects on its role in the student project. It does not address every single point in the evaluation rubric.

There is not one way to write an annotation; your annotation will express your understanding of a text and its role in your research.  Please note that your assignment asks for only a 1-2 sentence summary.