HIST 215 Women in US History (Marshman)

HIST& 215 critically examines historical fashion and ideals of beauty as reflections of contemporary events. This guide will help you complete your History of Dress Research Paper.

Find Books & Book Chapters for your Research Project

Why Use Books for this Project?

Use a book as a source:

  • to dig deeper into your topic - and different aspects of your topic
  • to learn more about intersectional issues
  • to find the historical context
  • to find historical texts, aka primary sources (images and text), from your decade 
  • to find images

When you search with the One Search, use the menu on the left of your search results to limit to Books & Book Chapters. 

  • Keep in mind: You may find book chapters that give you the information you need. Just cite that chapter! You do not need to read the entire book.

Holman Library carries both print and ebooks.

Search for Books & Chapters in Holman Library's Print & eBook Collection

Wondering what to type in the search box?

Some sample keyword searches:
  • women AND fashion 
  • (Women OR gender) AND (clothing OR fashion OR apparel)
  • (men OR masculinity) AND 1940s
  • gender roles AND 1960s
  • zoot suit

NOTE: some of the book returns on this list are reference book (academic encyclopedia) articles. They will provide an overview of your topic, rather than an in-depth discussion.

Some sample subject term searches:

Try these subject terms too (change Any Field (on the left) to Subject at Advanced Search or use Subject Terms in the left menu of a basic search):

  • Clothing and dress--Social aspects.
  • Fashion--Social aspects.
  • Women's clothing--History.
  • Men's clothing -- History
  • Fashion design.
  • Fashion designers.
  • Fashion--History--20th century.
  • Clothing and dress -- Sex differences -- United States.
  • Clothing and dress -- Social aspects -- United States.
  • Fashion -- Social aspects -- United States.
  • Sex role -- United States -- History -- 20th century.
  • Fashion -- Social aspects -- United States -- 19th century.
  • Fashion -- Social aspects -- United States -- 20th century.
  • Clothing and dress -- United States.

Search Directly in eBooks

Sample Search 

Topic: men or masculinity and clothing in the 1960s

Step 1: Search with your starting keywords.
  • If one search doesn't work, try another.

one search: men clothing 1960s

My search returned more than 500 titles. Not all of them will be relevant or useful. Of the first three items listed, the first two look relevant. The third is looking at Ghana and it is an article. 

Results - men clothing 1960s

Step 2: Limit to books and book chapters with the menu. 

books and chapters


Step 3: Review the results and list - and click on titles to learn more.

I thought the first title, Peacock Revolution, sounded relevant to my topic, so I clicked on the title to learn more about the book. The image below shows REALLY useful SUBJECT TERMS I can click on for more information on the subject and it shows the book's description, which indicates to me that it will help me with my research. 

The record for the book Peacock Revolution

Step 4: Find the Book

If the book had been in print, the record would have a number indicating its location on the shelves.

This book is an ebook - and I find the link to the book on this page as well. 

View online


Charles Teenie Photo of Girls with Books Carnegie Museum of Art

Charles Teenie photograph, Two young women eat caramel apples, circa 1940-1945.. Carnegie Museum of Art

Sample books in Holman Library