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Indigenous Knowledge Guide (Faculty / Staff)


Mt. Rainier and a view of the trees around the Green River from the GRC Foundation Trail overlook

Image courtesy of: GRC College Relations (J. Becker)​

Hello and welcome - we're glad you're here. 

This guide for Indigenous knowledge and resources is for use by Green River College faculty and staff and has been prepared by Alejandra Gonzalez, GRC tribal pathways manager, and Katie Cunnion, librarian. We hope this guide will further the Green River College community knowledge and understanding of Indigenous people's history, culture, laws, policy and ways of knowing.

More importantly, we hope this assists faculty and staff practices in order to support Indigenous students holistically in their education and time with Green River. Please use this guide with the mindset that it is only one step on the journey to fully supporting our Native students-- and we hope these resources are helpful as a starting point.

For even more resources and research on topics related to Indigenous land management, sovereignty, and other topics, please also check out Holman Library's US Indigenous Studies research guide:

Community Partnership ResourceThe GRC US Indigenous Studies research guide, curated by librarians at Holman Library, covers resources for general research in US Indigenous Studies.

How resources are identified in this guide

Within this research guide, you will find resources to help you learn about indigenous communities, culture, land management, treaties, history, and a variety of other topics. Resources have been created by both native knowledge holders and in partnership with other organizations.

Resources from the Standing Rock Syllabus will indicate their origin in the description. On other resources, to assist in identifying the origin of the information presented, we've included icons to help identify the information source when possible:

Indigenous author / knowledge resource iconIndigenous Author(s) or Community Creator - Resource created mostly or entirely by a member of a native / indigenous / tribal community, or a partnership of tribes

Partnership with Indigenous Communities ResourcePartnership Resource - A resource created in partnership with tribal communities / indigenous community members as a resource, research, or nonprofit informational item.

Federal Government Documents or Treaty Resource iconFederal / State Government Resource - A document or document collection from the US Federal, State, or other governmental bodies.

National Science Foundation S-STEM Support

logo of the US National Science FoundationDevelopment of this guide was made possible in part by funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation's S-STEM grant to the GRC Natural Resources program. We appreciate their support.