Return to these databases to gather background information and to get a sense of the range of positions taken on an issue.
Scroll down the page for tips on how to use the databases to explore ideas.
Look over broad topic areas on the homepage. This example illustrates the homepage for enviromental issues in context. (click on image to enlarge)
Click on a category that interests you - or go right to a topic! The image below show the list of 62 topics under Global Change. (Click on image to enlarge)
Step 1: Explore by Reports, Topics, or Hot Topics.
click on image to enlarge
Reference, or Subject Encyclopedias, are a good place to:
As shown in the image below, you can start a search with an idea and basic keywords. such as "Solar Energy" - and gather ideas from the results list (the articles that come up).
(click on image to enlarge)
Once you see a list of results, take note of the topic of the larger subject-specific encyclopedia the shorter article comes from. This will give you a little more information about how the topic will be discussed.
(click on image to enlarge)
Type in a starting broad topic and browse the list of subtopics. Click on any to dig deeper.
The image below is of a search of the Social Science Collection. I clicked on the title Inequality in America: Causes and Consequences.
(click on image to enlarge)
You can use the Holman Library One Search to find Books (and more) in the library collection.
You can also use the One Search to explore ideas. Type in a search and skim the results list to see what journalists and researchers are discussing on the subject.
Note: You may find it helpful to go to individual databases for fewer results, more subject terms, up-to-date streaming video content, and more.
(click on image to enlarge)
While I found too many sources (31,378) with my search of affordable housing AND homeless*, I see ideas on how I could focus my topic. For example, these sources are talking about affordable housing, homelessness, and: mental health, policy, emergency shelters, community development, homeless individuals, poverty, and much more.
(click on image to enlarge)