Black power movement, 1960s in track&field/boxing/football/basketball
The development of professional player unions
History of amateurism vs. professionalism in US pro sport, labor rights, class issues and free agency
NCAA reform movements
Violence/hazing in high school sport and reform
Gender discrimination in sport, Title IX and growth/challenges in female sports
Female athletes and media representations
Gender representations in “non-traditional” sports (i.e. men in synchronized swimming, women in football)
Representations of Black athletes and the media
Representations of Latino baseball players and the media
Asian sporting representations
Latino baseball players and labor exploitation
Athlete labor exploitation and rights and the NCAA
LGBTQ athletes and sexual discrimination
Disabled athletes, visibility and equal access to sport
Olympic reform movements and athlete power
Socioeconomic class and access to sport
Historical analysis of racism in a particular sport and social action
Lack of minority coaches, ADs and administrators, affirmative action, and equal opportunity in professional and college sport
Hegemonic masculinity, locker room violence, bullying and sport in elementary and secondary schools
Labor practices of sporting apparel manufacturers
Any important trail-blazing individuals for across a range of time periods and sports
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