Test Preparation


The following information was taken from https://www.greenriver.edu/students/academics/placement-testing-center/course-placement-options/wamap-math-entrance-exam/ (link below): 


Math placement can be achieved through online Math Entrance exams using the Washington Mathematics Assessment and Placement (WAMAP) testing platform.

Test Fee: No fee for Green River students. Non-students pay $10 per test.

Time: untimed and you must complete this assessment in one sitting; plan to allow 1 to 1.5 hours to complete this assessment

Mode: computer based

Process: offered on a drop-in basis during all open hours at the main campus, offered by appointment only at the Kent and Enumclaw Campuses. Students should take the test for the math class they are attempting to enter. For example, if you wish to get into Math 072, take WAMAP for Math 072.

Advanced Preparation: students must complete the practice test online, for more information visit the WAMAP placement page.

Calculator Use: calculators are allowed for all WAMAP exams for MATH 070 and above and will be provided by the testing center.

Retake Guidelines: There is a set waiting period of 1 day, 7 days and 30 days between attempts.

  • Between the initial test and the 1st retake there is a 1-day waiting period

  • Between retake 1 and retake 2 there is a 7-day waiting period

  • Between retake 2 and retake 3, and any additional retakes, there is a 30-day waiting period


Studying Math for the WAMAP Test

Go to the WAMAP registration page (link below), and "Register as a new student." After you have chosen a user name and password, you will be asked for a Course ID and an Enrollment Key.  In the Course ID box, enter 12499; leave the Enrollment Key box blank.

Go to the GRC Math Placement Review, and choose the course you want to study for (Pre-algebra, Calculus, etc.).  You will then be offered videos and other study materials for that course.  You study for as many courses as you wish.


Reading skills will be assessed using the College Success Assessment. There is a practice test available online, but there are no published practice materials for this assessment at this time (March 2023). Students may wish to supplement their reading-comprehension practice by using study materials written for other reading assessments, such as the Compass test. These study materials are kept in the Essential Skills Collection, near the reference desk, and can be checked out of the library.

For additional information about this test, please see GRC Placement & Testing Center's College Success page (link below).


In placing students into  English literature and composition classes, GRC tests only reading skills (See "Reading," on this page.  GRC does not administer a Writing placement test.