SOC 214: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Find Videos Online

Check out the research guide for Audio and Video for more information and links to similar sources

Video Sharing

What Can You Do?

What can you do?

Create interviews, oral histories, and more.

A variety of options

Check out these sample video recordings to get an idea of the power of the medium.

Below is an Oral History video recording used with permission from the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project at the UW. The video records Aaron Dixon, a founder of Seattle's Black Panther Party and Green River guest lecturer. 

Here is a link to the complete UW Oral History page where you can find more videos like this one.

Feminist Frequencies: "Feminist Frequency is an ongoing series of video commentaries exploring gender representations, myths and messages in popular culture media." Here's her current video on Ms. PacMan: "Ms. Male Character - Tropes vs Women in Video Games"

The Voice/ Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive at the University of Michigan houses a collection of 50 video oral histories. "Why They Speak" is a testament to the power in speaking the truth about our humanity and inhumanity.

Source: "Why They Speak" by The Voice/Vision Archive, Standard YouTube license

Video Editing Tools

On Campus Computers:

Adobe Premier Pro logo

Did you know you can access Adobe Premiere Pro on the computers here on campus? Premiere Pro is the video editing software found in Adobe's Creative Cloud. Adobe Creative Cloud also includes Adobe After Effects which can be used to add visual effects to your videos.

In the Digital Media Lab (HL112):

Adobe Premier Pro logo Adobe After Effects logo iMovie logo


Premier Pro


After Effects


Additional Video Options:

There are several options for free, downloadable video editing software:

Video Editing Tutorials

LinkedIn Learning is a great resource for tutorials on various topics and software. Use your GRC email address to create an account.