LSAMP: Research in STEM

A Starting Place for LSAMP Scholars

Explore Current STEM issues

Explore STEM in Current Issues Databases @ Holman Library

Science in Context

Search specific ideas or browse for ideas in Science in Context.

Example 1: Browse for ideas (click on image to enlarge)

Browse for Topic Ideas

Example 2: Search for the conversation on a specific idea

Search for Topic Ideas

Select Online STEM news & analysis

Explore the current conversation in online journalism and analysis.

Tip: If you hit a paywall at the NY Times, you may look for full text articles from the NY Times in the library's ProQuest database.

Browse through topics in GVRL/ Gale eBooks

When you go to this database, you'll see the advanced search page. However, by clicking on the larger "Gale Ebooks" title in the upper left, you can be taken to a page where you can see all the collections in the database listed out by subject. As shown in the image below, you can easily look through the listings of subjects off to the left to browse through subject-specific encyclopedias.

GVRL has collections on business, environment, medicine, science, and technology.

(click on image to enlarge)

screenshot of the Gale Ebooks page showing how to search by larger topic by choosing "browse collections"

OR ... Search a topic to explore more focused subtopics

As in this search shown in the image below for the broad topic: "green economy":

(click on image to enlarge). 

database search box showing a search for "green economy"


Browse Article Titles and the Subjects List for ways to focus your search results

(click on image to enlarge). 

Search results showing ways to limit within the results.

Browse Current Research Journals

Holman Library provides online access to thousands of journals in STEM fields.

You can look through a specific journal or explore a broad topic in a STEM database to generate research ideas.

Strategy 1:

Browse through the Table of Contents of STEM journals in the Holman Library online collection to get a sense of the kinds of topics and questions addressed in current research. Note that every journal has its own scope of research. (You can look it up!)  

  • Try it out with the journal, Nature

To see if the library carries a specific title, type the publication into the One Search. After your initial search, change to Advanced Search and change "any field" to "publication title." 

You can even browse the catalog to see what journals we carry in a specific field!

Strategy 2:

Explore a general topic in a STEM database to generate research ideas.

  • Sample search of the broad topic "waste water" returns articles on a wide range of subtopics, including treatment, pollution, nutrient removal, and much, much more.
  • Use the filter for Subjects to find concepts in the field. See the illustration below. (click on image to enlarge)
    • This is a search for wastewater set as a subject

Sci-Tech wastewater

  • Here is the start of the list of Subject Terms connected to the topic. Click on More to see the full list.

Subject Terms connected to wastewater. Good for ideas


Explore Current Issues in STEM Fields

Explore Research Ideas

Topic selection and development is part of the research process.

  • Explore some of the current issues science and technology researchers and journalists are writing about. 
  • Before you commit to a research focus and question, learn about the topic. See what's been written on it already. Then revisit your starting research focus and question. Has your idea shifted?