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POLS 202 Introduction to American Government & Politics: Find Supreme Court Cases

This guide will help students research the landscape of current political legislation.

Selected Websites

Search Library Books and Articles

1. Click on the Holman Library One Search link below

2. Enter in the name of your Supreme Court case (example: Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition) and click search

3. In the left-hand column of the results page you can limit to peer-reviewed journals OR to books (note: you will have to determine if they are scholarly books)

Selected Legal Repositories

These legal repositories can be helpful for finding analysis of court decisions, their influence and their impact on society.

Selected Public Opinion Search Tools

Search for public opinion on websites:
Search for public opinion in newspapers:

1. Click on the Proquest Combined Databases link below.

2. In top search box, type the name of your court case or the topic of your court case.

3. In the search box after "AND" type: editorial OR reaction OR public opinion OR attitudes OR public survey

Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition
AND editorial OR reaction OR public opinion OR attitudes OR public survey

prayer public schools
AND editorial OR reaction OR public opinion OR attitudes OR public survey